RDP Windows free, your most reliable option

RDP Windows free, your most reliable option

The RDP on windows would be an essential tool to improve your business, productivity, or your daily life. It is an alternative when you need a second computer with better specs than your current one or a place where you can store information, run applications, or more. Today we will tell you about this vital tool, how it can make your life easy, and the best way to get your RDP Windows free with MyHostingLive, so let’s start!

What is RDP? (Remote Desktop Protocol)

What is RDP? (Remote Desktop Protocol)

Probably you have heard about the term RDP, RDP stands for Remote Desktop Protocol and it is a network communications protocol developed by Microsoft, this platform has a graphic interface emulating a real computer running a Windows version, with an RDP you can do all you could do with a real computer yet this computer is in a remote server and you access to it through the internet.

How does a remote desktop connection work?

How does a remote desktop connection work?

As we said, the RDP is a remote desktop that you can access through the internet, nevertheless, is not that easy, first, you need to get a server with a provider, this provider will ask for the Windows version and the specs to emulate, (RAM, processor, storage, bandwidth), once you set the characteristics of your server, they will provide you with a client and a password that you need to put on the official Microsoft remote desktop app.

After login with your client and details, you will see a graphical interface similar to a common Windows computer with its own applications, files, and configurations. You can install programs, and do everything that you could do with a physical device but this one will be accessible for you anywhere anytime once you have access to a network, you can also access this server by Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux.

Benefits from RDP

There Are many perks of using an RDP, this could be an important tool in business, may help the productivity of your enterprise, or even make your life easier, there are many usages you can give to this type of remote server. The main advantages you can win by using them are:

  • Productivity: The reason why RDP was created is to improve the life of Windows users, with an RDP server you don’t need to worry about having any problem with your pc or being in front of a physical computer to work or manage your work, you can access to your most important files remotely.
  • Easy to use: The process to use an RDP is quite easy, you just need to install the app with which you are going to connect, set your client and open the application, that’s all, to close the server all you need to do is close the session on the emulated pc and it’s done.
  • Work wherever you want: Thanks to the versatility of these servers you can work, check files, store data, and more through other operative systems such as Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux, you can have an eye on your work whenever and wherever you want.
  • Improve your computer: The RDP server doesn’t use the resources of your computer or device, use its own resources, which is great news if your pc is not really powerful. In your server, you can run applications that normally your current computer can, for example, rendering some videos or using picture edition programs like photoshop.

How to get a free RDP server

How to get a free RDP server

On the web, you have many options to get an RDP free for Windows, you just need to do a quick search and you will find dozens of websites that could provide you with a private server, nevertheless, you need to be careful since most of them could resemble reliable, remember that you will save your important files and information in their servers, thus it’s important to choose a safe and well-recommended service, just like MyHostingLive, and the best part is our services are completely free for all our users.

Are RDP servers free?

Technically no, RDP servers are usually hosted on remote servers all around the world, these servers ask for monthly or annual fees to use them and the price may vary according to the characteristics of each server, notwithstanding, you have some options on the internet to use a server absolutely free. You need to be careful since you are providing them with personal data and of course, you will use their servers and they may have plenty of acknowledgment of what you are doing and what you manage in them.

Getting an RDP Windows free with MyHostingLive

Getting an RDP Windows free with MyHostingLive

MyHostingLive can help you with the task of getting a server completely safe and private, we specialize in quality hosting services such as Minecraft, cPanel hosting, domain names, and of course RDP hosting servers, all our services are totally free to all our users, with just a few steps you can have a personal server within minutes. To start, you can visit our official website by clicking the button below.

RDP server guide:

Once on our page, you will see a small introduction about our RDP service, after, you will find a space in which you need to choose the Windows version your server will run, under this space you will notice a small box that asks you create a free account to access our services, mark it and you can push the “get started” button.

This will take you to another page on which you need to put a valid email and submit it, after, you need to verify you are a real person submitting a few details, this process has no cost and you can carry it out within minutes. You will receive a membership code in your email, all you need to do is log in with your email/username and this code and now you are ready to start using your private server.

We hope this blog helps you to choose the most reliable option to get your private RDP server and learn a bit more about Remote Desktop Protocol, remember if you have any questions or inquiries regarding our services and procedures feel free to contact us through our customer service, we are available 24/7 to solve all your doubts. MyHostingLive is a free alternative for hosting services.

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